META Film Fest: The Pomegranates of NagornoKarabak

omas Sideris travels to the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a hotbed of fierce confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan and extensive military operations for at least thirty years, and records the mass exodus of Armenians from their ancestral homeland in . People move in a fluid geographical area, with fluid borders, where the formation of national identity is in constant negotiation. The people of Nagorno-Karabakh identify themselves through the opposition to the "other", the "enemy" and the "foreigner" and continue to build their lives on the fragments of a bloody past and an uncertain future. Prefabricated houses, piles of ancestors and ancient relics are the "booty" of an escape to the unknown, the largest exodus in the world in the first two decades of the 21st century. Thomas Sideris focuses on people, as they leave their homes, jobs and fields, following a long refugee path, which no one knows either where or when it will end.